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My name is Rebecca Larson, certified holistic women's wellness mentor and the founder of The Way Of Woman. I am so glad that you're here. 

This is a space for women to learn about their bodies.

Here you will find educational information about your period, the four phases of the menstrual cycle, and the hormones that govern our daily lives.

At W.O.W. we operate from 3 fundamental beliefs:

  1. When we support our bodies, our bodies will also support us.

  2. Symptoms related to our cycle are our bodies trying to communicate with us.

  3. Women who are educated about their body's messages and know how to respond to them are empowered to change their lives and the world for the better.

At the Way Woman, you will find information conveyed in language that is easy to understand along with actionable steps to help you along your journey.

This is provided through blogs, YouTube videos, and podcast episodes. We also offer free and purchasable resources in our store.

If you find that further support would be helpful to you, I invite you to apply for the menstrual mentorship to work one-on-one with me, Rebecca Larson.

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Gain access to this free planner when you join our email list,

and become a part of a community of motivated women who work with their bodies to create the lives we have always dreamed of. 

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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