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Set your intentions for the year with the most embodied planner available.

Did I mention it's free?

Use your body to reach your goals

It's a well-documented fact that women's bodies change throughout their menstrual cycle. We know that these changes affect our moods, energies, and our cognitive function. Why not use this to your advantage?


Use your goals to learn about your body

Knowing yourself is a practice. So is reaching your goals. As you work with your body to reach your goals you will inevitably learn more about your unique experience as a menstruating woman. Over time this information will become second nature to you and you will be able to implement it in your everyday life without even a thought. 


Use nature to meet your goals

Our society is disconnected from nature. We expect constant production to the point of burnout, in the same way, your body has times of dreaming, planning, production, and assessment. So does the Earth. Rather than taking off with a New Year's resolution, running full force until you give up and feeling guilt year after year, why not work with the cycles of the Earth to make your plans and dreams into reality?


Use your goals to connect with nature

If you are mindful of the ebb-and-flow of nature, as you make your plans one thing is inevitable, you will come to connect with nature on a deeper level. You will be aware of her seasons and not be lost in the hustle and bustle of modern living.


Your goals, You, and Nature; fully connected and embodied.

If you are living every day practicing mindfulness of your body's nature and keeping your goals in front of you, connection and groundedness are inevitable. This is why I created this planner. This planner was born out of years of practicing this kind of mindfulness and seeing remarkable results. This planner is my gift to you.

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