How to wear them, and how to go without them
To wear a bra or not to wear a bra; that is the question… But seriously what's the answer? This is an incredibly complicated topic because it holds both social and physical ramifications. As well as having the ability to have an emotional Impact on our self-esteem. But whether you're a free the nipple queen or would never be caught dead without the “girl's” best friend, they're a few things we should consider when choosing how often and when we wear the trusty brassiere.
Problems with most bras
Is your bra affecting your breathing?
Do bras in impact your breathing. Most women I talk to will say no at first and then take a second thought and say maybe, they feel a little bit of pressure when they take a deep breath around the braband but not enough to make a difference. But inevitably the next day or so they reach out and say some variation of “Oh my goodness I took off my bra last night and realized I could actually take a full breath!” If this is you, you are not alone! Millions of bra loving women all around the world are surviving on shallow breaths all day, every day!
So you're taking shallow breaths, is that really such a big deal? If you're someone that is prone to panic attacks, you might want to give us a thought. This is because the body requires more oxygen than is available in a shallow breath. For a more in-depth look on the way bras impact breathing I'd suggest this article on "The surprising link between breathing and anxiety attacks."
Is your bra affecting your overall health?
In addition to restricting your breathing your bra could be affecting a number of other areas in your life without you even realizing it.
Exposing your breast tissue to BPA and other carcinogens.
How to wear a bra
If you love your bra and it supports you and your lifestyle, that's wonderful! We still want to avoid the problems that we've already talked about. Here are 5 things to keep in mind as you go about your bra wearing way:
Change up the styles
Avoid underwire
Opt for natural and organic material rather than synthetic material
Avoid any extremely tight fitting bras, or bras that leave red marks when they have been taking off
Wearing a bra for 8 hours or less is ideal, don't wear a bra for more that 12 hours at a time
How to go Braless
Another solution is to forgo the bra entirely. 😲 Yes. Braless. In public. Crazy I know. But what if I told you there's a way to go braless while feeling comfortable and confident? The best part is no one will have any idea. Don't believe me? Keep reading.
Start with a New Mindset
1. You are not alone!
We've all got nipples. Let me say it again: We've all got nipples! Male or Female. Unless you are in a very rare category of the population that don’t, we were all born with them.
2. Notice their usefulness.
Have you ever noticed that some men's shirts take no pains to disguise their nipples? The female body was created with this amazing ability to feed her offspring. For whatever reason, we’ve decided that this part of our body is so unacceptable that it has to be smoothed out and made invisible. As if the mirror protrusions of this natural useful part of us it's only for the bedroom.
3. Observe historical fashion and culture..
It's time to address the pointy elephant in the room otherwise known as the 50s bra. Just Google it, take a second and Google it. I'll wait…
The women of the 50s were not concerned about hiding their nipples but instead, with this cone shape, brought attention to that very “point” of their chests.
Or let's take a look at all of the tribes across the world who don't care to even cover up a woman's top let alone hide a factor that makes us suitable for motherhood.
If it is a moral argument is to be made on the factor of lust and a woman's virtue. We must also remember that in the days of courses women who did not wear corsets were considered "loose women”. In those days, in order to fit into the acceptable, social norms, women from western cultures had to cinch their wastes to a point which ruined their health.
The conclusion must be drawn that the visible shape of our female bodies is not a moral problem. It has been culturally ingrained that breasts, specifically nipples, are “inappropriate”. This perspective can be difficult to personally overcome, and challenging to live out because from an early age, our culture has taught us that seeing a nipple through clothing is inappropriate. So what is the best way to change a cultural narrative? By the people of that culture acting differently as a collective to the point of this behavior becoming the cultural norm.
Or to put it simply:
By not wearing a bra you are creating a healthier and more comfortable world for your daughter.
How to hide the fact that your not wearing a bra
Not everyone is comfortable with ditching the bra. That's 100% valid. When I first began my braless journey, I pulled out every trick I could think of to keep everyone from knowing that I was going braless. Even today there are situations where I feel it's more appropriate to wear a bra than buck the system: Funerals, coaching, etc. Here 5 ways you can go braless without anyone knowing:
Form fitting tops/Tank top
Bra pad inserts
Patterned tops
Clothing designed for going braless
1. Form fighting tops/Tank tops
The base for all of your braless clothing is a form fitting top or tank top that will automatically have a smoothing and stabilizing effect without restricting your body's natural movement.
2. Bra pad inserts
If you need a little more padding try the padded inserts that you can find in most swimsuits, sports bras, and some formal dresses. You can also find them here. Place them in the desired location underneath your tighter fitting top. This will give a smoothing effect which most closely resembles wearing a bra. You may have to adjust them once in a while but in my experience it's not unusual to have to readjust bras well.
3. Pattern tops
A T-shirt or dress with a pattern on it or some sort of design over the breast acts like camouflage and gives the eye many different places to look and makes it far less likely for someone to notice that you're not wearing a bra.
4. Layering
Layering is going to be your best friend whether you're wearing the first three options or not. A cute dress with a jacket or a T-shirt under a sweater or sweatshirt over it is the perfect disguise for a braless woman. No one will know!
5. Clothing designed to be worn braless
You know what's better than finding a dress with pockets? Finding a dress/ shirt that doesn't need to be worn with a bra. Surprising amounts of clothing are made to be braless, however most of us will throw on a “bra just to be safe”. On my wedding day my dress was clearly made to be worn Braless, and yet I threw on a strapless bra just because. After the long day, and the night of dancing, I discovered that my bra had actually cut into my skin. I was a part of a wedding the following month where the dress was also clearly meant to be worn braless, but this time I learned my lesson and I didn't wear a bra. Best decision ever! If it's clear that the garment is made to be without a bra, trust designer, your body will thank you.
Here are a few companies that are hopping on the braless bandwagon. And making socially acceptable braless clothing. They have not sponsored me or the blog but they could be helpful to you. I have not looked into the sustainability or chemical make up of these garments. But if you are looking to go bra free and need a hand in doing so, they may be a great option.
emBRAgo (Specifically made for women with large busts)
Ultimately, wearing a bra is up to you. The social, political, and medical jury is still out when it comes to this garment we hold so tightly (or are held tightly by). As for me I choose to wear a bra as little as possible because I feel the most comfortable this way.
If you love your bra, that's wonderful. But it’s very important to remember to avoid underwire, opt for natural and organic rather than synthetic material, avoid any bras that are too tight or that leave red marks on your skin. And try not to wear a bra for more than 8- 12 hours at a time.
If you're like the 55% of women who answered my Instagram poll saying that their favorite thing about their bras was “taking it off at the end of the day” - you do you have options!
Form fitting tops/tank tops, bra pad inserts, layering, patterned tops, and even simply wearing clothing designed for going braless are all great options for developing a bra free wardrobe.
As the weather gets colder, and dressing in layers becomes more essential to staying warm, now is the perfect time to begin confidently experimenting with what works for you and your lifestyle.