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The first step to knowing your cycle

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Your cycle is amazing, let me introduce you to her.

There is an entire world of information to learn about your body and the way it affects your everyday life. Let's take it one step at a time.

I created Your Cycle Introduction to walk you through the basics of your menstrual cycle and

to invite you to better understand your own unique experience.

This downloadable book is also a tool that I use every month to be more aware of where I am at in my own menstrual cycle as I set up my calendar, make my daily to-do lists, and interact with other people.

Here's how it works:

For Learning and Planning

Cover Pages (Because beauty and practicality should go hand in hand)

There are 4 cover pages, one for each phase of your cycle that you can use as you like. I printed mine on vellum for a little extra pretty in my planner.

4 Summary Pages

Each cycle has a summary page that offers a brief explanation of what to expect from that phase: strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions.

For Personal Discovery

Journal Prompts

There is one page with 5 AM and 5 PM journal prompts. Doing these every day will give you the best insight into your personal cycle, but even remembering to do them a few times a phase can be very insightful

Journal Page

These pages allow you to easily record where you are in your cycle by circling the phase and day. If you choose to use your own notebook, just remember to record the date, phase, and cycle day for your future reference.

4 My Cycle Pages (Because we all have cycles unique to us)

Each phase has a work page where you can sum up your cycle and get a greater picture of the way that your unique cycle works.

Get Your Cycle Introduction free today when you sign up for The Way of Woman Newsletter.

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